Welcoming Party

BTBA Welcoming Party

We are excited to invite everyone to join the welcoming party hosted by the Boston Taiwanese Biotech Association (BTBA) on October 23 from 12 PM to 3 PM.

We sincerely invite you to our welcoming party, which brings together researchers, professionals, and students from various biotech fields in the Greater Boston Area. Not only does BTBA provide a diverse environment to connect with a group of passionate scientists and professionals. It is also an excellent community where you can stay informed of latest scientific advances, and receive guidance from potential mentors to further develop your career. Meanwhile, we will hold a panel discussion at 204 grad student lounge nearby for new-coming Masters and PhD students.

Your talents and passion are much needed—come make new friends and grow together in BTBA! Lunch and refreshments will be provided for $10/person.

This event is co-organized by Harvard GSAS Taiwanese Student Association (HTSA).

各位親愛的朋友,大家好!波士頓台灣人生物科技協會 (BTBA) 於10月23日主辦迎新聚會。無論您是學術專業人士、生物科技醫藥專業人士、博士後研究員還是學生,我們誠摯地邀請您的參與,一起結交新朋友、與老朋友們敘舊。 這是一個認識在大波士頓地區工作/學習的專業人士的絕佳機會!除了迎新聚餐外,2:00-3:00我們會於Lehman Hall的204 grad student lounge 舉行給碩博士新生的座談,歡迎碩博士新生參加。

我們將提供午餐及茶點,活動將酌收餐費:一般 $15/人;學生 $10/人;12歲以下免費;2022 BTBA 志工免費參加。

  • Time:
    • October 23rd (Sun) 2022, 12 PM - 3 PM (EST)
  • Place:
    • Lehman Hall (8 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA). RSVP
2022-10-23, 12 PM - 3PM
Lehman Hall (8 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA)
