Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association

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Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association (BTBA) is a non-profit organization started in 2012 by a group of Taiwanese graduate students, postdocs and young professionals in the greater Boston area. Our goals are to foster individual career development, to enhance scientific collaborations, to facilitate interactions and to strengthen networking among academic and industrial bioscience communities in Taiwan and US.


Career Development Series

Moderator Workshop

2024-06-09, 1–4 PM ET

Register here

Career Development Series

Startups at National Biotechnology Research Park

2024-06-07, 9–10:30 PM ET

Register here

Meet People, Catch Up With Friends, And Learn

Career Development Series

Drug Delivery—the current development and future

2024-05-19, 1–2:30 PM ET
BioLabs Lecture Hall 1080, (Bri Biological Labs, 16 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138)

Register here


S4 EP.15:從臨床到藥廠,橫跨太平洋兩岸的苦甜人生 ft. 林靜君醫師 🎧

Jun 01, 2024

本集《生技來一刻》邀請到 June 林靜君醫師,她在橫跨太平洋兩岸的台灣與美國,都有豐富藥廠醫藥事務 (medical affairs) 經驗,同時也是具備臨床經驗的醫學專家。醫藥事務作為藥廠和 ...More info

S4 EP.14:「商業與策略」系列─從基礎科學到商業發展探索之旅 ft. Will 顏伯任博士 🎧

May 15, 2024

在生物技術領域,#商業發展(Business Development, #BD)的角色至關重要,因為它牽涉到企業的成長和成功。商業發展團隊負責尋找、開發與公司核心業務相關的新機會,包括合作、併購 ...More info

S4 EP.13:成為職涯掌舵手:從化工到專案經理 ft. 楊秉修博士 🎧

May 01, 2024

這四季以來,「生技來一刻」邀請過許多嘉賓,也帶大家認識了許多藥廠中不同的部門和職位。以藥物開發週期的視角:從研發、臨床、數據分析、製程,甚至是法規、商務,一直到上市後相關的真實世界證據 (RWE ...More info



藥廠投資組合管理.羅盈智醫師 (Dr. Ying-Chih (Paul) Lo).訪談摘要

By 文:林書弘.圖:陳政儀.編輯:劉駿 on Apr, 2024

在現今的生技產業中,投資組合管理與數據分析技術的重要性日益增加。尤其在藥物開發這一高風險領域,有效的策略和先進的技術可以顯著提升研發的成功率及市場競爭力。透過近期與羅盈智醫師(Paul)的對話,我們得以深入了解這些策略如何在實際應用中發揮作用。 Paul目前在美國波士頓的 Novartis 藥廠擔任 Portfolio Data Science 部門的副總監,同時也是波士頓台灣醫師協會的會長。他的職業生涯跨越了醫療、人工智慧和商業策略,這使他對於藥廠如何進行投資組合管理有著獨到的見解。 ...Read more

Sneak peek into the industry

Po-Jen (Will) Yen, Business Development

By Yi-Shan Chen on Mar, 2019

As a scientist in Biotech/Pharma, Business Development to me is a function that usually doesn’t have a lot of interaction with researchers unless they need data from you but the decisions they make influence researchers the most. ...Read more

Sneak peek into the industry

TeYu Chen, Medicinal Chemist

By Yi-ying Chou on Nov, 2018

I always thought that doing biological experiments, like sitting long hours in front of tissue culture hood, can be physically challenging. When I chat with Ryan, I realized that medicinal chemists also have heavy workload on the bench side. In pharmaceutical company, chemists are not allowed to be ...Read more