Academic Seminar

BTBA January Workshop–Chemists and physicists in biotech and pharmaceutical industry

你是否對物理和化學充滿熱情,但內心又對生技製藥產業感到好奇呢?你正(曾)主修物理或化學,但又想實際運用複雜的化學機制或物理理論來促進人類健康、推進生命科學的發展嗎? 現今生物技術與生命科學領域快速進步,大幅增加了對於具有物理與化學背景人才的需求,像是曾經透過機器學習研究黑洞與暗物質的物理學家,在生技製藥界也是炙手可熱。不論你是正在攻讀物理或化學的學生們,或是想了解如何將基礎科學應用在生技產業的朋友們,歡迎共襄盛舉參加BTBA一月的座談會,認識在生技製藥界中,物理學家與化學家們精彩的學/職涯歷程吧!

Are you curious or passionate about physics or chemistry but also eager to open the door to pharmaceutical careers? Are you a chemist or physicist considering applying complicated chemical mechanisms or theoretical physics to life sciences and bioindustry to advance human health? If your answer is yes, let’s make a stride and hear the journeys of our talented speakers in the field of physics or chemistry! Recent biotechnology and life science innovations bring a tremendous need for interdisciplinary talents. Come and join us to understand how we could take a leap from fundamental science to real-world applications in the bioindustry.

💡 主題 / Topic: Chemists and physicists in biotech and pharmaceutical industry

🕥 時間 / Time: January 28 (Sat) 2023, 10:30am–12pm (EST)

🏫 地點 / Place: Lehman Hall 201 Common Romm at Harvard University, MA 02138 (near MBTA Harvard Station)

🎤 講者 / Speakers:

  • Hsuan Lee 李炫, Ph.D. Head of Innovation at LifeCanvas Technologies Inc.
  • Joshua Yao-Yu Lin 林曜宇, Ph.D. Machine Learning Postdoc at Genentech
  • Hsiao-Wu Hsieh 謝効吾, Ph.D. Process Development Scientist at Amgen

🎙️ 主持人 / Moderator:
Wan-Chih Su 蘇莞之, Ph.D. Bioprocess Analytical Scientist at Sanofi

🗒️報名免費 / Registration: (名額有限,欲報從速。Register now! Limited spots available.)

2023-01-28, 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Lehman Hall (8 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA)

Register here