Academic Seminar

2023 BTBA April Academic Seminar—How does the brain encode memory and space?

大腦是人類最神秘的器官,有時候走在回家的路上,突然一陣嘴饞,大腦居然可以在不用導航的情況下,順利帶著你來到附近的冰淇淋店。而隨著年紀增長,你是否覺得越來越記不住新知,想知道有什麼撇步可以增強記憶力呢?BTBA 四月邀請到曾昱瑄博士與曾思宜博士來與我們解構大腦的秘密。

Flexible decision-making during navigation in ever-changing environments is essential for our daily life and animal survival. Such behavior requires the integration of sensory, cognitive, and motor processes and thus involves coordination between multiple brain areas simultaneously. In this seminar, Dr. Shih-Yi Tseng will discuss her work on neural codes in the mouse brain for flexible navigation decisions. Long-term memory is essential for retrieving necessary details for learning, working, and socializing. Improving long-term memory has been a big issue that has troubled scientists for many decades. Dr. Jennifer Tseng will demonstrate how neurofeedback training can change long-term memory abilities.

  • Time:
    • April 07 (Fri) 2023, 8–9 pm (EDT)
  • Place:
    • Online event via Zoom
  • Topic & speaker:
    • Title: Neurofeedback training improves long-term memory
      Speaker: Jennifer Tseng, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School
    • Title: Neural codes for flexible navigation decisions
      Speaker: Shih-Yi Tseng, M.D., a Ph.D. student at Harvard Medical School
  • Moderator: Chih-Hsiang Yang, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Associate at UMass Chan Medical School
2023-04-07, 8 PM - 9 PM
