Career Development Series

Conquering Interview in Biotech 生技業界面試教戰工作坊


還在為少掉的一小時苦惱嗎?來參加BTBA LEAP面試求職教戰工作坊吧!保證在短短幾小時內補回因夏令時間少掉一小時的空虛感😎 讓你充滿自信的應對各種面試、尋找工作機會,從茫茫人海中脫穎而出成為Superstar🌟





🌼一起來磨練面試技巧,和其他夥伴一起交流! 在眾多面試候選人中脫穎而出吧!

🌟 Join us for an enlightening event designed to empower your career growth! 🌟

🌼Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, our event has something for everyone.

🌼The BTBA LEAP Team is organizing a professional development event tailored to job seekers. Industry experts from diverse functional areas in biotech companies will attend to guide successful interview techniques, effective job search strategies, and real-time feedback on one’s job search efforts.

🌼This workshop will be conducted in English.

🎤 Panelists:


🌼Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get insight from a hiring perspective and network with people!

📍Location: Lehman Hall 201, Harvard University, MA 02138 (near MBTA Harvard Station)

🕘Time: March 23rd, 2024

  • 1:00 - 2:00 pm BTBA Monthly Meeting
  • 2:15 - 5:00 pm Conquering Interviews in Biotech Workshop

👉報名連結 Registration link (March 16th (Sat) 11 pm EDT 截止):

2024-03-23, 2:15–5 PM ET
Lehman Hall 201 (8 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA)

Register here