Career Development Series

Drug Delivery—the current development and future


🌷經歷了一場COVID與CRISPR基因治療革命,mRNA vaccine、AAV等詞彙是不是再熟悉不過了呢?但是,你真的對藥物輸送(drug delivery)了解嗎?你想知道從藥物產生到真正能送入體中產生效果中間有多少眉眉角角需要考慮嗎?你對有哪些最新技術改良藥物輸送過程感到好奇嗎?

🌷快來參加5/19由BTBA主辦的Drug Delivery座談吧!在這場演講裡,在藥物輸送領域具有豐富經驗的盧彥君博士與陳韻竹博士會透過深入淺出的方式介紹常見的藥物輸送方式例如adeno-associated virus (AAV)與lipid nanoparticle (LNP)等以及他們的運作原理、優勢與缺點、常見用途、以及學界與業界的最新研究方向。


🗣️本實體活動全程以中文進行 The event will be in Mandarin; hybrid event

▶️ 主題 / Topic: Drug Delivery: the current development and future

🕘 Time: 2024-05-19 (Sun)

  • 12:30 pm - 01:00 pm (ET) Networking
  • 01:00 pm - 2:30 pm (ET) Drug Delivery Talk and Panel
  • 02:30 pm - 03:00 pm (ET) Networking
  • 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm (ET) BTBA monthly meeting
  • 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm (ET) Mentor-Mentee program

📍 Venue: Biological Laboratories 1080 (16 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138) & online link (請填寫報名表,會議連結會在活動幾天前寄出)

🎤 Speakers:

  • Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu, Ph.D.
    • Senior Scientist I, ModeX Therapeutics
  • Yun-Chu Chen, Ph.D.
    • Scientist, Sarepta Therapeutics

🎤 Moderator:

  • Jerry Chun-Chen Yao
    • Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University


Jason Yen-Chun Lu (盧彥君)

Senior Scientist I at ModeX Therapeutics

Dr. Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu obtained his B.S.s in Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University and M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S./Ph.D. In Biological Engineering from Cornell University. He joined Prof. Robert Langer and Prof. Daniel Anderson’s group at Boston Children’s Hospital and MIT in 2018 and focused on developing therapeutics in type I diabetes and mRNA technology. Currently, he is a Sr. Scientist in a biotech company. Additionally, he is a creator/influencer/blogger/youtuber for scientific education, career development and leadership development. He started his blog and facebook fan page in 2021 to share the trend in biomedical research/ novel biotechnology development, experience in the U.S. graduate school and life in America. Moreover, he has more than 8,800 followers on social media.

Linkedin page:

Yun-Chu Chen (陳韻竹)

Scientist, Sarepta Therapeutics

Dr. Yun-Chu Chen is a driven researcher with a diverse background, specializing in designing multiple drug delivery systems for small/macro molecules and biopharmaceuticals, with a keen focus on controlled release. At Sarepta Therapeutics, Yun-Chu experienced formulating and devising analytical methods for AAV-based drug products/processes, playing a role in advancing therapeutic delivery. Prior to this, as a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University, Yun-Chu contributed to Eli Lilly’s drug product development by developing various sustained drug release systems throughout formulating a library of polymers and excipients. During her PhD at the University of Bath in the UK, Yun-Chu pioneered protocols for generating nano/micro particles capable of preserving proteins/vaccines from heat denaturation. This groundbreaking method laid the foundation for the establishment of EnsiliTech, a spin-out company. Additionally, during her M.Phil at the University of Manchester, she explored research on optimizing blood clot formation. Notably, her academic journey began with a BSc in Physics, and she garnered valuable industry experience as a semiconductor engineer at PHILIPS.

Linkedin page:


Chun-Chen Jerry Yao (姚俊辰)

PhD candidate in Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

Jerry is a graduate student in Harvard’s Molecules, Cells, and Organisms (MCO) program. He earned his BSc at MIT in Brain and Cognitive Science (BCS), where he optimized an in situ sequencing-by-synthesis method in Ed Boyden’s lab and Fei Chen’s lab; he also studied transcription-translation uncoupling in Bacillus subtilis in Gene-Wei Li’s lab. During his gap year before starting at Harvard, he served the Taiwanese army and then worked with Dan Tawfik at the Weizmann Institute to investigate the origin of peptides and the genetic code in the origin of life. For his Ph.D., he hopes to elucidate the principles of biomolecular evolution of enzyme specificity using protein design, evolutionary biology, and high-throughput experimental approaches.

Linkedin page:

2024-05-19, 1–2:30 PM ET
BioLabs Lecture Hall 1080, (Bri Biological Labs, 16 Divinity Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138)

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